Monday, September 27, 2010

Are black open market drugs unconstitutional to boost pharmaceutical industry dependency?

Are black open market drugs unconstitutional to boost pharmaceutical industry dependency?
Yes and No.
The No first. most pharm compounds are dangerous, contra-indicated, or even toxic at the wrong dosage levels. you are also looking at the certainty that there may be contamination of the pills surrounded by divorcing them and/or getting the wrong compound into the bottle. so on the no column your looking at correct dispensing of your drugs, QA, and a bit of friendly banter at the pharmacy.
The Yes. this is more of the Grey Market series not quite the black. Where you may purchase a prescribed drug from a foreign pharmacy for a lower price. some government have price controls on the cost of a secure pills, where as surrounded by the US it is set by the Market forces. Spain and the UK have fixed to semi-fixed prices for script, and sometimes a lot cheaper to run through those systems if you have access to them.
as for the straight black marketplace with Jimmy on the corner selling what he call Cipro... I wouldn't take it no situation how cheap it was.
The structure of what's vetoed and what drugs have mediocre restrictions is a vain governmental attempt to save fools from themselves.

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